106 Respondus
There are three Respondus products used by UVU.
Respondus 4.0
Respondus 4.0 (PC only) is a quiz creation software. When processing a large number of quizzes or particularly long quizzes it may be advantageous to use Respondus. We have a license through the Utah Education Network (UEN). This includes Software, Mandatory Patch, Installation information, & Formatting guides.
Instructions for installation and use, as well as the program files, are located in the Respondus Test Builder SharePoint folder (you must be logged into your UVU account to access these).
Respondus Monitor is a proctoring service that records students as they are taking a test. UVU receives a very limited number of licenses for Respondus Monitor per year. Except under very specific circumstances, use Proctorio instead of Respondus Monitor.