
24 GreenGold Server

In order to access the GreenGold server to host Storyline or other files you will first need a VPN Connection and VPN Access.

This is the file path to the greengold server: DEsource / DEXserve / greengold.uvu.edu

Step 1: VPN Login

Start by logging into the VPN (look for the Cisco symbol in the lower right-hand screen of your computer)

If the Cisco icon doesn’t show on the menu bar then try clicking the arrow button

Make sure that you connect to the dcvpn.uvu.edu option.

Step 2: Download an FTP

Next you will need to Download and Open an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) such as Cyberduck or FileZilla.
Both Cyberduck and FileZilla are free

Step 3: Create SSH key

You’ll need to create an SSH key to access the server. The steps for generating a key depend on your operating system. The University of Oregon has tutorials for Windows and MacOS.

Once you have generated a key you will have two files. Please keep both files in a safe place on your computer.  You will need to send the .pub file to Digital Transformation. Contact Seth Gurell, IDA Director for the appropriate contact person.

Step 4: Open Cyberduck

Once you have downloaded Cyberduck, open it and follow the next steps.
The first screen you will likely see is “Unknown Fingerprint”. Click “allow.”

Step 5: Choose Open Connection

Step 6: Complete the Next Screen

Select the .pub file from your computer that you generated in Step 3 as the SSH Private Key.

Step 7: Greengold Folder

When you see the screen pictured below, you will click on the greengold.uvu.edu folder

Step 8: Select Courses_OTL

Next Click on the “Courses OTL” folder

From there you will choose the file folder for the course you were working on.
the following images walk through an essential oils course as an example.

Step 9: Embed Files in Canvas

Below you will find the html code needed to embed a storyline file in Canvas as well as some examples of how to use it.

Use this html embed code in the Canvas course page: 

<iframe src=”add your url here” width=”98%” height=”600″></iframe>
Example: <p><iframe src=”https://greengold.uvu.edu/courses_otl/exsc/3730/213_standifird/media/force/story.html” width=”98%” height=”600″></iframe></p>

Another Example: <p><iframe src=”https://greengold.uvu.edu/courses_otl/fsci/4300_palmer/forensic_genealogy/consanguinity/consanguinity_storyline/story.html” width=”100%” height=”700″ data-api-endpoint=”https://greengold.uvu.edu/courses_otl/fsci/4300_palmer/forensic_genealogy/consanguinity/consanguinity_storyline/story.html” data-api-returntype=”File”></iframe></p>


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