58 Engagement Strategies
The following is a list of engagement strategies you could share with instructors to increase interaction during class.
- Arrive to class early to greet students
- Use an ice breaker activity to get attention at the start of class
- Keep energy up
- Ask lots of questions
- Shift activities often
- Don’t just talk “at” students
- Highlight students who are doing well (peer to peer)
- Warm calling (prepare students ahead to participate)
- Use pre-recorded short lectures in livestream while presenting to allow for easy switching to different apps
- Include images in presentation and/or chat
- Avatars
- Expression Emojis
- Gifs
- Memes
- Attendance/Accountability
- MS Teams provides a downloadable “Attendance Report” .csv file in the chat to the owner of the meeting at its conclusion.
- MS Teams history shows who is present in each session
- Be consistent with attendance
- Required or Not required
- Points or No points
- Roll call chat
- Use emojis to take roll in answer to the question: “How are you feeling today?”
- Use groups
- Encourage semester-long study groups
- Live groups during class (best facilitated in Channels)
- Provide unique prompts for each Channel (e.g. Think Pair Share)
- Instructor can check in with Channel groups
- Group channels can be synchronous or asynchronous
- Record group discussions
- Discussions
- Canvas discussions are typically formal / graded and asynchronous
- MS Teams discussions are typically informal / not graded and can be either synchronous or asynchronous