10 Beginning of Course Development
Instructional Design and Assessment (IDA) Team Responsibilities
- Check the OTL_Template to ensure it is current. [Rebecca Lindsay (ID Technology) and Template Committee]
- Check the Mid-Semester Course Design Survey assignment .
- This is now a single link for each semester in the academic year and will be updated each July for fall developments. [Seth Gurell (IDA Director) or Rachel Billings (Coordinator)]
- Check whether new development term is needed (e.g., DEV_2025) by July. Fall course developments need a new DEV term so we can set Spring due dates for the next year. [Seth]
- Note any course development requests (Dedicated ID Build/Consultation Build) in the appropriate course development board. [Seth]
- Issue course agreements for all new courses being developed. [Seth]
- Assign new course developments to IDs. [Seth]
- Set due dates for Quality Review submission. [Seth]
- Update Course Design Plan schedule [Janel Mitchell (ID Communication)]
ID Responsibilities
- Check with direct reports to ensure OTL Remote Work document is current.
- Review the ID III Role Descriptions.
- Verify special projects for the semester with Seth.
All IDs
- Copy ID special projects from previous semester to new semester board in Monday.
- Create a copy of the Course Design Plan from the Course Development Docs folder and populate for each new course. Store in SharePoint within Course file of the Course Design Plans folder.
- See What to do if: “CourseLeaf has no Learning Outcomes”
- Send out Onboarding Survey Link link to new faculty: https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/employee/SV_eR5rbuSJ5ptKpjU?id=[Replace this text, including the brackets, with your UVID]
- Create shells for newly assigned courses and copy over template.
- Create new backup folders in IDS SharePoint folder “Course Assets.”