
10 Beginning of Course Development

Instructional Design and Assessment (IDA) Team Responsibilities

  1. Check the OTL_Template to ensure it is current. [Rebecca Lindsay (ID Technology) and Template Committee]
  2. Check the Mid-Semester Course Design Survey assignment .
    • This is now a single link for each semester in the academic year and will be updated each July for fall developments. [Seth Gurell (IDA Director) or Rachel Billings (Coordinator)]
  3. Check whether new development term is needed (e.g., DEV_2025) by July. Fall course developments need a new DEV term so we can set Spring due dates for the next year. [Seth]
  4. Note any course development requests (Dedicated ID Build/Consultation Build) in the appropriate course development board. [Seth]
  5. Issue course agreements for all new courses being developed. [Seth]
  6. Assign new course developments to IDs. [Seth]
  7. Set due dates for Quality Review submission. [Seth]
  8. Update Course Design Plan schedule [Janel Mitchell (ID Communication)]

ID Responsibilities


  1. Check with direct reports to ensure OTL Remote Work document is current.
  2. Review the ID III Role Descriptions.
  3. Verify special projects for the semester with Seth.

All IDs

  1. Copy ID special projects from previous semester to new semester board in Monday.
  2. Create a copy of the Course Design Plan from the Course Development Docs folder and populate for each new course. Store in SharePoint within Course file of the Course Design Plans folder.
  3. Send out Onboarding Survey Link link to new faculty: https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/employee/SV_eR5rbuSJ5ptKpjU?id=[Replace this text, including the brackets, with your UVID]
  4. Create shells for newly assigned courses and copy over template.
  5. Create new backup folders in IDS SharePoint folder “Course Assets.”


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