15 Mid-Semester Course Design Survey
During Development
The Mid-Semester Course Design Survey gives instructors feedback on the design of courses they have developed. They can use this feedback to make changes as needed.
Paste the following 2023 Template code and 24-25 Qualtrics survey code into a blank Canvas assignment page (on the html side) to create the Mid-Semester Survey…
OR import the “24-25 Mid-Semester Survey” from the DEV_OTL_template_2023 course.
<div id=”dp-wrapper” class=”dp-wrapper dp-generic”>
<div id=”dpCustomCss” data-external-style=”/css/style.css”></div>
<div id=”dpCustomCss” data-external-style=”/css/style.css”></div>
<h2 class=”rad”> <i class=”fas fa-cloud-upload-alt” aria-hidden=”true”><span class=”dp-icon-content” style=”display: none;”> </span></i> <strong>Submit </strong></h2>
<div class=”dp-embed-wrapper”><iframe class=”qualtrics-hook” src=”https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/canvasAssignment?surveyId=SV_es5ah9H1IReKIdM” width=”550″ height=”50″ data-mce-fragment=”1″></iframe></div>
<hr class=”rule” style=”background-color: #000000; height: 4px;” />
<p> </p>
Recommended Assignment Title:
“24-25 Mid-Semester Course Design Survey”
Recommended Settings:
- Add the survey assignment to the course at the midpoint
- Point total as per instructor preference but CANNOT be 0
- If instructor does NOT want it as part of the final grade: check “Do not count ..” box
After Development
During the semester in which the course launches, students will complete the Mid-Semester Course Design Survey. The results are sent to OTL and will be forwarded to the ID associated with the course.
Once you receive the results, review and forward to the instructor with an offer of help to implement any of the feedback they would like to pursue.