
43 Exemption Requests

In order to be in compliance with accessibility exceptions we must abide by UVU Policy 452: Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility based on WCAG 2.1 AA Compliance.

Considerations for Requesting an Accessibility Exemption

It is rare that an entire course will be exempted from accessibility requirements. However, there are some considerations that might merit exemptions.

  • Will making images accessible with Alternative Text (image descriptions) compromise assessments by giving away the answer?
    • It may be more appropriate to rely on accommodation for images when the course or academic program has established physical requirements in regards to visual acuity.
    • Strategies for making an image accessible may include reaching out to the instructor or accessibility services for assistance.
    • The instructor is in the best position to provide accurate subject matter information for image descriptions.
  • Is there another way to provide accessible content without fundamentally altering the course?
    • Examples:
      • Break a complex table into smaller tables
      • Create an actual table from an image
  • STEM and Math tools for accessibility are limited AND we must do our due diligence to make content as accessible as possible with available tools.

Procedures for Requesting an Accessibility Exemption

  1. Download and complete the Exemption Request Form [MAKE A COPY].
    • If an ID1 is making the request for an ID2, both of the IDs names need to be on the form. (In the case of Dedicated ID Builds, the ID1 will include Aaron Isom, IDIII on the form.)
  2. Email the form to Bert McClain, Digital Document Manager.
  3. Accept the Exception Review Committee meeting request.
  4. Discuss the request with the Exception Review Committee.
    • The Exception Request decision will be made during this meeting
  5. Unfavorable decisions will result in either remediation of the file or removal from the course
  6. Favorable decisions will be noted on the Request Form and sent to the Office of Teaching and Learning Directors for finalization
  7. Teaching Learning & Support (TLS) Director will document the exemption request in Monday.com and save the Request Form in the Accessibility Exemptions Sharepoint folder
  8. After exemption is finalized Karen Arteaga, Director TLS notifies the Bert McClain, Digital Document Manager and the Requestor



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