Primary Navigation
Book Contents Navigation
1. Onboarding Slides and Checklist
2. ID III: Supervising Onboarding
3. Remote Work
4. Course Development Tasks
5. Quality Review Prep
6. Communicating with Faculty
7. OTL People Resources
8. Software
9. Scheduling Flex Spaces
10. Beginning of Course Development
11. End of Development
12. Course Design Process
13. Foundations of Course Design
14. Course Review Response
15. Mid-Semester Course Design Survey
16. Project Management
17. Course Development Backup Notes
18. Course Development Types
19. Course Design Plan
20. Course Design Rubric
21. Course Outcomes and Objectives
22. Course Visual Elements
23. Copyright and Fair Use
24. Cross-Listing Courses
25. GreenGold Server
26. IDA Course Design Buffet
27. IRB
28. Library Resources (Library Guides, Permalinks, Videos)
29. Mobile Device Inspection
30. ODS (Ongoing Development Shell)
31. OER (Open Educational Resources)
32. Synchronous Lesson Plan
33. RSI (Regular and Substantive Interaction)
34. Web Requests
35. Working with a Community Partner
36. Consultations
37. ID Consultation Workflow
38. When a Consultation Request Is NOT for IDA
39. Independent Quality Review Process
40. Introduction to Accessibility
41. Alt Text for Images
42. Closed Captioning Workflow
43. Exemption Requests
44. Google Lens Remediation
45. Panorama
46. Requesting Course Accessibility Remediation
47. Transcribe Video/Audio
48. Canvas
50. MS Teams
51. OneDrive and SharePoint
52. TIMS (Clocking in/out and Attendance)
53. VPN Access
54. Educause Listservs
55. Instructional Design Summit
56. LinkedIn Learning
57. PluralSight
58. Teaching in Higher Ed
59. The Teaching Professor
60. Canvas Basics
61. Blueprint Course
62. Canvas Commons
63. Canvas Help
64. Canvas Shells
65. CIDI Design Tools
66. Course Templates
67. Duplicate a page in Canvas
68. Enrolling as “Future Teachers”
69. Kaltura
70. Multi Tool
71. New Quizzes
72. Question Banks
73. Recovering Deleted Canvas Items
74. UVU Marketing Colors
75. MS Teams Tutorials
76. Assignments & Discussions
77. Breakout Rooms
78. Channels
79. Communication
80. Course Development using MS Teams and SharePoint
81. Engagement Strategies
82. Grades for MS Teams Activities
83. Guest Access
84. MS Teams Meetings and File Sharing
85. Video Camera Use
86. MS Teams Tools and Apps
87. UVU Software
88. Artificial Intelligence
89. Adobe Creative Cloud
90. Adobe Stock
91. Envato Elements
92. H5P
93. Adobe Lightroom
94. Lucid
95. Padlet
96. Perusall
97. Pressbooks
98. Proctorio
99. Qualtrics
100. Respondus
101. Storyline
102. StoryMaps
Appendix Acronyms
These resources will help onboard new IDs and Multimedia Intern hires.
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