
17 The Issue-Analysis Report Rubric

Here’s the rubric for this assignment. Review it carefully to be 100% sure that you’ve covered all of these criteria in your writing:

  • Title (5 pts) – Do you have a title? The title should NOT be your driving question. Come up with an original interesting title.
  • Hook (5 pts) – Do you have a “hook” or attention-getter at the start of your essay? It should be interesting. Don’t start with your driving question, and don’t start with a dictionary definition!
  • Driving Question (10 pts) – Do you have your driving question somewhere in the introduction? Your driving question should be clearly written as a question (with an actual question mark). It should not be your title, and it should not be your first sentence. Ideally, your attention-getter will lead into the driving question.
  • Sources (10 pts) – Do you use at least four sources? Sources should be timely, relevant, and credible. Wikipedia, for example, is not an acceptable source. Interviews and other primary sources are encouraged.
  • Source Use (10 pts) – Do you use your sources well throughout the paper? You should have a blend of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. You should also use the I.C.E. method to Introduce your source, Cite it correctly, and Expand or  Elaborate on it. In other words, you should really engage with your sources and not just randomly plop in quotes or facts with no follow-up or explanation.
  • Formatting (10 pts) – Is your paper properly formatted to MLA or APA standards? This includes things like consistent double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman (or similar font), one-inch margins, page numbers, etc.
  • Works Cited or References Page (10 pts) – Do you have a properly formatted works-cited page (MLA) or a references page (APA)? It should start at the top of a new page. Sources should be listed alphabetically with a hanging indent.
  • Word Count (20 pts) – Is your paper at least 1500 words? If it is 1300-1499 words, you’ll lose 20 points. If it is less than 1299 words, the essay will be considered incomplete and you’ll receive a ZERO until you can submit a longer version.
  • Editing (10 pts) – Is the essay edited and polished? The essay doesn’t have to be perfect. A few errors are okay. But if it feels like a rough draft, then you’ll need to continue editing it.
  • Report Conventions (10 pts) – Does the essay follow the basic conventions of a report? This is not an argument essay or an opinion paper. It is okay if you express your opinion, but you should not be taking a stance or trying to convince your reader to act or think a certain way (that will be the next essay we write). A report should just be your documentation of how you attempt to answer the driving question or analyze the issue. Please see the sample reports in Canvas if you’re not sure what that means.