
20 Section 1: Course Information

The first section of the Course Design Plan (CDP) is straightforward. If you are designing a UVU course, you will need access to CourseLeaf, so make sure you have that.

First, fill out the first 5 bullet points for the Course Information (Image 1):

Image 1: Course Information


This information includes the course modality, the credit hours, the delivery semester or term, any prerequisites, and how the course fulfills degree or program requirements.

If your course is not a UVU course, you can complete this section however you like.

Second, go to CourseLeaf (image 2) to find the Course Description. If the course you are designing is not a UVU course, you will need to write a description.

Image 2: CourseLeaf Course Description


Copy and paste the course description into the CDP (Image 2-1) under Course Description.

Image 2-1: CDP Course Description


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