
Comparing Ionotropic and Metabotropic Receptors

Jim Hutchins

This is a first draft which has not been edited. If you have questions, or want to help in the writing or editing process, please contact the author: jimhutchins@weber.edu


Diagram of an ionotropic receptor


Ionotropic receptors are also called ligand-gated ion channels. When a neurotransmitter, or drug mimicking a neurotransmitter, binds to the ionotropic receptor, it causes the opening of a channel which allows a specific ion (or specific ions) to cross the cell membrane.

The neurotransmitter or drug that binds to the receptor is called a ligand. For example, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is an ionotropic receptor. The naturally-occurring ligand is the extracellular signaling molecule acetylcholine.

Among the drugs that bind to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor are nicotine (the psychoactive ingredient in tobacco or vape juice) and D-tubocurarine. Nicotine is called a receptor agonist because it mimics the “natural” action of acetylcholine: it causes the receptor protein to change shape in the same way that acetylcholine does, opening an ion channel. D-tubocurarine is called a receptor antagonist because it blocks acetylcholine from binding to the receptor and the channel remains closed.

When the ligand binds to the receptor, the receptor protein changes shape from a configuration that does not allow the passage of ions, to one that does.

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, when open, allows Na+, K+, and to a lesser extent Ca2+ ions to pass. The five protein subunits that make up the receptor channel form a selective tunnel through which only these three ions can pass. Because the resting membrane potential is well below the equilibrium potentials for Na+ and Ca2+, these ions rush into the neuron through the open channel.

A complete list of known ionotropic receptors


nicotinic acetylcholine receptor


P2X receptor

γ-aminobutyric acid

GABAA receptor



Glycine receptor


5-HT3 receptor

Because the resting membrane potential is above the equilibrium potential for K+, it rushes out of the cell. The net result is a depolarization of the neuron to near 0 mV, generally enough to trigger an action potential or neurotransmitter release. (This value is termed the reversal potential of the receptor.)

The GABAA receptor is another example of an ionotropic receptor or ligand-gated ion channel. When γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) binds to the receptor, it allows chloride ions (Cl) to pass through the ion channel.

Ethanol, propofol, or benzodiazepines (e.g. ValiumTM or XanaxTM) bind to the GABAA receptor, the channel is opened or opened longer. Thus, these are classified as receptor agonists.

Even though ionotropic receptors were the first neurotransmitter receptors studied, and have been known for almost 100 years, subsequent research has shown that there are a limited number of neurotransmitter receptors (fewer than a dozen) that may be classified as ionotropic.

Protein structure diagram of the G protein coupled receptor with G protein subunits alpha, beta, and gamma

A metabotropic receptor carries this name because it changes the metabolism (biochemistry) of the cell which expresses it. A metabotropic receptors is also called a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR).

A GPCR has no ion channel. Rather, when a neurotransmitter molecule binds to this type of receptor, the protein changes conformation in such a way that it activates an associated group of three proteins that are collectively called the G protein. The structure of a GPCR and associated G protein is shown at left.

The G protein has three subunits, named in order of their size:

  • The α subunit is the largest of the G protein subunits and is most closely associated with the receptor protein.
  • The β subunit consists of a “propeller” structure with an array of stacked β-pleated sheets (shown as flat arrows in the diagram).
  • The γ subunit is closely associated with the β subunit and they generally operate as a pair.

Diagram showing how the G protein coupled receptor is embedded in the cell membrane

The GPCR itself consists of 7 transmembrane α helices. These keep the GPCR tightly associated with the cell membrane, while the G protein is able to move around in the plane of the membrane on the intracellular side.

Diagram of signal transduction by the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor acting on the signal-gated potassium channel

When the neurotransmitter binds to the GPCR, its conformation changes. This activates the enzymatic activity of the complex, which phosphorylates the bound guanosine diphosphate (GDP) to now become the triphosphate (GTP). This change to GTP causes the α subunit to change shape, releasing both the α subunit and the βγ pair of subunits. Both pieces of the broken-apart G protein are anchored to the cell membrane, and slide laterally to interact with other proteins.

A typical action for the α subunit is to collide with the enzyme adenylate cyclase. This enzyme, when activated, converts adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Cyclic AMP is a ubiquitous and critically-important intracellular signaling molecule.

One type of α subunit, termed αs, stimulates adenylate cyclase activity (note the subscript s denotes stimulation). Another type, termed αi, inhibits adenylate cyclase activity.

Diagram of a generic signal-gated channel

The βγ complex, meanwhile, is also released from the GPCR and also slides in the plane of the membrane, leading to a separate series of actions. Frequently, this means the βγ phosphorylates a signal-gated ion channel, causing it to change shape and either open or close. For example, the βγ associated with the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (a GPCR) phosphorylates a K+ channel, causing it to open longer. This allows K+ to rush out of the cell, hyperpolarizing it. In this way, GPCRs often cause a change in membrane potential while only indirectly opening or closing an ion channel. This allows for exquisite control of the membrane potential, along with fine control over the levels of intracellular signaling molecules like cAMP.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque lacinia gravida nunc non fermentum. Praesent pharetra neque sodales, facilisis justo quis, euismod turpis. Fusce auctor semper massa, vel malesuada urna tempus a. Sed in urna tortor. Nunc sed porttitor mauris. Maecenas nec ullamcorper nisl. Donec tincidunt auctor tincidunt.

Donec hendrerit pharetra augue, ut ornare orci. Pellentesque gravida velit lectus, quis finibus turpis auctor nec. Morbi vel nulla sodales, fermentum magna in, sodales nulla. Etiam sit amet dolor eu lacus elementum auctor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In et nisi hendrerit turpis luctus interdum in ac neque. Donec bibendum rhoncus nisl, vel ullamcorper diam. Morbi ac eleifend eros. Proin sollicitudin pulvinar metus, ac fermentum justo rutrum vel. Nam congue, dolor et pretium eleifend, nisl enim molestie tellus, ut bibendum arcu dolor eleifend enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer posuere dolor accumsan, dapibus justo sit amet, varius urna.

Fusce ornare metus sit amet magna pellentesque, sed feugiat ex ultrices. Praesent laoreet vitae ante vitae convallis. Suspendisse egestas purus eu dui eleifend scelerisque. Ut porta ullamcorper efficitur. Phasellus rutrum euismod tincidunt. Sed finibus quis velit et elementum. Maecenas posuere imperdiet condimentum. Nam eu turpis ac est interdum tincidunt sit amet nec enim. Fusce sed felis in sem semper pulvinar. Donec eu nulla non ligula mattis egestas non ac ligula. Sed a pretium libero, et consectetur enim.

Aenean scelerisque ex non consequat vehicula. Duis sodales purus quis libero feugiat sodales. Donec venenatis, augue nec pellentesque blandit, lorem est fringilla diam, et pellentesque odio ante eget mauris. Nulla eget libero faucibus tellus rutrum consectetur. Curabitur in elementum turpis. Cras eget ante massa. Mauris vehicula interdum turpis, in fermentum ipsum convallis semper. Cras ornare orci lorem, sit amet luctus erat bibendum eget. Vestibulum vulputate eros sem, eu molestie elit cursus ornare. Sed tempus fermentum tempus. Quisque sit amet ligula congue, consequat ni

Diagram showing how G protein coupled receptors work

si euismod, rutrum mauris. Praesent feugiat, est quis laoreet lacinia, lectus ex finibus massa, nec porttitor dui neque porttitor lectus. Praesent enim neque, rhoncus quis imperdiet eu, dictum at tellus.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus tempor finibus erat, e

u consequat sem auctor ut. In feugiat lorem nec orci malesuada, et posuere enim mattis. Nam pharetra sapien in libero scelerisque suscipit. Sed lobortis, tellus viverra aliquam tincidunt, odio magna ultricies sem, et dictum tortor nunc nec felis. Nam at lacus accumsan, mattis augue et, tempor odio. Pellentesque ac ultrices tortor, at eleifend ante. Nam lobortis viverra facilisis. Aenean mollis nisi a ipsum rutrum, quis tempus nulla tempus. Nunc egestas diam massa, eget dictum risus mattis vitae. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer pretium lacinia varius. Proin orci nunc, egestas id leo eget, lacinia vulputate nisi.


nec arcu luctus, pharetra urna vitae, tempus felis. Vestibulum vitae risus aliquam, rhoncus ligula et, accumsan velit. Maecenas facilisis sit amet sapien at feugiat. Proin aliquam quis leo eget blandit. Phasellus tempus, ante in pellentesque pulvinar, est augue consectetur urna, ut tristique lectus orci sit amet urna. Sed a lorem nec est condimentum placerat. Vivamus sagittis hendrerit varius. Praesent elementum sagittis tortor, quis commodo est sagittis vel. Cras in eros a risus porta venenatis.

Nulla facilisi. Aenean at mi et orci volutpat molestie sed non orci. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean nec nisi sollicitudin, suscipit enim a, congue justo. Sed tellus augue, sagittis non sem id, mollis interdum elit. Morbi vitae metus nec erat pretium egestas sit amet quis velit. Sed ac lectus congue, ultricies massa non, molestie diam. Sed dapibus, ligula sit amet vehicula convallis, nibh magna cursus purus, vel fringilla libero lorem sit amet magna. Praesent nec convallis quam.

Donec euismod cursus tortor et consequat. Nam ut eleifend tortor. Donec vitae porttitor sapien, a vestibulum lectus. Phasellus augue ipsum, ultricies id leo vehicula, euismod malesuada elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis tempus eros nulla, a euismod metus semper commodo. Maecenas odio nunc, dapibus eget lorem ac, feugiat tempus nisl. Etiam eget sollicitudin erat. Donec ac arcu lorem. Vivamus id venenatis mauris. Nam molestie turpis a ex dapibus, vehicula efficitur nisi condimentum.

Pellentesque sagittis est nulla, a semper nisl gravida egestas. Cras ut velit et ipsum cursus elementum a eleifend nisl. Mauris sodales, enim eu facilisis sagittis, mi tortor dapibus arcu, a malesuada lacus eros id ipsum. Morbi vel ex metus. Morbi aliquam ultrices facilisis. Morbi ut neque id orci gravida luctus. Donec vulputate non ex quis facilisis. Morbi non pulvinar nisl.

Diagram showing how G protein coupled receptors activate protein kinase C

Curabitur pellentesque, arcu non auctor sodales, metus leo vestibulum nulla, at congue eros ex non nunc. Integer egestas, sapien non viverra bibendum, lacus justo mattis purus, in rhoncus erat elit in libero. Mauris mauris urna, consectetur in neque ut, aliquet lobortis leo. Etiam magna enim, pellentesque lobortis leo nec, scelerisque hendrerit libero. Pellentesque fringilla vestibulum orci vel convallis. Nunc dignissim vehicula porta. Nunc scelerisque sem a eros molestie, venenatis viverra nisl hendrerit. Etiam mollis justo ut turpis hendrerit egestas. Duis mattis pellentesque nisi, nec tempus dui venenatis et. Aenean posuere placerat auctor.

Diagram of an ionotropic neurotransmitter receptorUt urna nisi, interdum at urna at, pulvinar tincidunt nisl. In consequat faucibus viverra. In at ipsum risus. Sed ligula tellus, ullamcorper ac euismod a, pulvinar sit amet quam. Etiam venenatis nulla at aliquam pharetra. Duis venenatis aliquam metus. Nunc sit amet leo ut tortor scelerisque fringilla ac id mauris.

Phasellus eget tellus nulla. Maecenas at facilisis lorem. Pellentesque dictum varius velit non lobortis. Nullam dapibus placerat odio. Vestibulum sagittis tincidunt quam, non aliquam nunc vehicula ut.

Sed vitae massa quis risus mollis convallis et vel quam. Suspendisse condimentum nec ex eu sollicitudin. Sed sagittis eleifend erat, id commodo mauris semper nec. Aenean eget hendrerit mauris. Praesent ante eros, mollis ut tempor venenatis, varius mollis enim. Integer volutpat, nulla ac vehicula gravida, odio ante mattis ipsum, ac scelerisque or ci felis vitae metus. Quisque sit amet justo sit amet nisi fringilla cursus eget dapibus lectus. Mauris scelerisque rhoncus orci, eu mattis lectus vulputate id. Pellentesque commodo quis tellus quis euismod.


Morbi dictum sapien eu interdum mattis. Sed in odio eget nisi euismod ornare eget eu lacus. Praesent hendrerit vel est in facilisis. Nullam porta rutrum leo, eu auctor nunc malesuada nec. Praesent ullamcorper dui nec est elementum, a rhoncus est porta. Vestibulum vulputate fermentum mauris, ut suscipit ex pharetra a. Integer vulputate feugiat nisi ac mollis. Pellentesque tincidunt elit id aliquet malesuada. Integer venenatis elementum quam vitae aliquam. Nulla dignissim nunc nulla, id ornare ex pharetra vel. In eu feugiat massa. Mauris sit amet mattis massa, quis maximus lacus. Donec ante lacus, malesuada in pulvinar vitae, molestie sit amet tortor.

Nunc ullamcorper felis sem, ut vehicula augue vestibulum vel. Cras egestas eros at erat tempor consectetur. Donec ac dolor non massa interdum pretium. Vestibulum fermentum pulvinar massa, eget faucibus leo cursus at. Duis euismod massa eget velit pulvinar faucibus. Sed justo augue, laoreet id dolor ut, egestas tincidunt justo. Vivamus tempus, odio eu dapibus mollis, velit ipsum consequat risus, id molestie leo purus et lacus. Nunc aliquet interdum turpis, a porta lectus auctor ultricies. Nunc bibendum hendrerit varius. Maecenas convallis urna felis, luctus fermentum est pellentesque ac. Ut purus sem, mollis in vulputate at, blandit fermentum tortor. Nam placerat diam erat, ac sollicitudin quam fringilla sit amet. Sed elementum odio vel tortor viverra, quis facilisis sapien dictum. Suspendisse eu nisl felis.



Developing Expertise in Neuroscience Copyright © by Jim Hutchins; Aliyah Grijalva; Avalon Marker; Canyon Madsen; Kobe Christensen; Lance Castro; Lindsey Aune; Caleb Bevan; Ryan Johnson; Misty Allen; and Tess Johnson. All Rights Reserved.