
Ligand-Gated Channels

Benson Bush and Avalon Marker

This is an outline which has not yet been turned into a first draft. If you have questions, or want to help in the writing or editing process, please contact the author: bensonbush@mail.weber.edu

Outline by Shelby Pickett and Avalon Marker

Ligand Gated Channels

  • Ionotropic receptors
    • Produce EPSP: Na and K flow when ligand binds
      • Acetylcholine (nicotinic)
      • Glutamate (AMPA)
      • Glutamate (kainate)
      • Serotonin (5HT3)
    • Produce EPSP: Na, K, and Ca flow when ligand binds
      • Glutamate (NMDA type)
    • Produce IPSP: Cl flows when ligand binds
      • GABA (GABA A types
    • Ligand-gated Calcium Channels
      • There are no ligand-gated channels specifically for Ca, though nicotinic ACh receptors, 5-HT3 receptors, and all types of glutamate receptors are known as non-selective cation channels, which allow flow of Na, K, Ca, and other cations. While ACh and 5-HT3 receptors allow mostly Na & K to pass, glutamate receptors allow a significant amount of Ca to pass through.


Developing Expertise in Neuroscience Copyright © by Jim Hutchins; Aliyah Grijalva; Avalon Marker; Canyon Madsen; Kobe Christensen; Lance Castro; Lindsey Aune; Caleb Bevan; Ryan Johnson; Misty Allen; and Tess Johnson. All Rights Reserved.