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Ryan Johnson
The Nucleus of Neurons
Benson Bush
Transcription and its Regulation in Neurons
Caleb Bevan; Jackson T. Anderson; and Tess Johnson
Translation in Neurons
Adam Evans and Jim Hutchins
The Golgi Complex in Neurons
Avery Hamilton
Vesicular Release Mechanisms in Neurons
Mitochondria in Neurons
Mia Verbeck
Energy Metabolism in Neurons
Jackson T. Anderson; Tess Johnson; and Caleb Bevan
The Cytoskeleton of Neurons
Tess Johnson; Caleb Bevan; and Jackson T. Anderson
Anterograde and Retrograde Transport Mechanisms in Neurons
Alivia Deimer
Molecular Properties of the Neuronal Membrane
Abbigail Higgins
Patch Clamping
Overview of Membrane Channels, Transporters, and Pumps
Jaron Williams and Avalon Marker
Leakage Channels
Caleb Bevan; Avalon Marker; Jackson T. Anderson; and Tess Johnson
Voltage-Gated Channels
Tess Johnson; Avalon Marker; Caleb Bevan; and Jackson T. Anderson
Ligand-Gated Channels
Benson Bush and Avalon Marker
Signal-Gated Channels
Jim Hutchins and Avalon Marker
Avery Hamilton and Avalon Marker
Garrett Nelson
Connections Between the Cytoskeleton and Neuronal Membrane
Jim Hutchins
Connections Between the Neuronal Membrane and Extracellular Matrix
Safina Rehman
Electrical Models of the Neuronal Cell Membrane
Jackson Stringham
Diffusion and Fick's First Law
Macady Lunt
The Equilibrium (Nernst) Potential
Dentyn Sacre
The Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz Equation
Kynzie Lalliss
The Action Potential
The Myelin Sheath
The Electrical Synapse (Gap Junction)
A Brief List of Chemical Neurotransmitters
Jaron Williams
The Canonical Chemical Synapse
Quantal Release of Neurotransmitter and Evidence for Vesicular Release
Safina Rehman; Kynzie Lalliss; and Jim Hutchins
Mutations Which Modify Neurotransmitter Release
Neurotransmitter Receptors
Comparing Ionotropic and Metabotropic Receptors
Generation of Excitatory and Inhibitory Post-Synaptic Potentials (EPSPs and IPSPs)
Spatial and Temporal Summation
The Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Second Messenger System
The Inositol Triphosphate / Diacylglycerol / Calcium Second Messenger System
The Arachadonic Acid Second Messenger System
The Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (cGMP) Second Messenger System
Brennan Brown
Neurotransmitters: Acetylcholine
Neurotransmitters: Glutamate
Lindsey Aune and Jim Hutchins
Neurotransmitters: γ-Amino Butyric Acid (GABA)
Neurotransmitters: Noradrenaline
Neurotransmitters: Dopamine
Neurotransmitters: Serotonin
Neurotransmitters: Peptides
Neurotransmitters: Glycine
Lance Castro
Neurotransmitters: Histamine
Adam Evans
Neurotransmitters: Eicosanoids
Neurotransmitters: Neurosteroids
Neurotransmitters: Purines
Neurotransmitters: Gases
Declarative and Non-Declarative Memory
Classical Conditioning
The Aplysia Gill Withdrawal Reflex
The L29 Axoaxonic Synapse
Characteristics of Declarative Memory
Long-Term Depression
Long-Term Potentiation
Benson Bush and Jim Hutchins
When Is It LTD and When Is It LTP?
Calcium-Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II
Features of a Modifiable Gene
The cAMP Response Element Binding (CREB) Protein and the CREB-Responsive Element (CRE)
The Neuronal Growth Cone
Directional Growth of Neurites
Cell Adhesion Factors and Neuronal Growth
Target Selection by Growing Neurites
Cellular and Molecular Events in Neuronal Apoptosis
Nerve Growth Factor
Cytokines and Nervous System Development
Formation of the Neuromuscular Junction
Caleb Bevan; Tess Johnson; and Jackson T. Anderson
Critical Period
Plasticity and Stabilization
Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Brain Development
Animal Models of Autism
Genetic Contributions to Autism
Epigenetic Contributions to Autism
Synaptic Pruning
Aliyah Grijalva and Jim Hutchins
Synaptic Pruning, Synaptic Stabilization, and Autism
Synaptic Pruning in the Retinogeniculate System
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Developing Expertise in Neuroscience Copyright © by Jim Hutchins; Aliyah Grijalva; Avalon Marker; Canyon Madsen; Kobe Christensen; Lance Castro; Lindsey Aune; Caleb Bevan; Ryan Johnson; Misty Allen; and Tess Johnson. All Rights Reserved.