
Appendix J EBP Project Self-Evaluation


Please assess the work that you contributed to the EBP Project (poster and presentation of findings). Please be as honest as possible. (If you rate yourself high, while there were evaluations from your group that speak otherwise, I will consider that you did not evaluate yourself fairly and will be assigning a grade to your individual grade for your EBP Project accordingly, in addition to the separate grading that will commence from your peers’ evaluation of your work.).

At the end of this worksheet, please discuss how you met each of the course outcomes.

5 = Excellent work; was crucial component to group’s success

4 = Very strong work; contributed significantly to group

3 = Sufficient effort; contributed adequately to group

2 = Insufficient effort; met minimal standards of group

1 – Little or weak effort; was detrimental to group, or perhaps did very little to contribute

Participation in development ideas and planning project:                 ____

Willingness to discuss the ideas of others:                                           ____

Cooperation with other group members:                                              ____

Interest and enthusiasm in project:                                                        ____

Participation in leading/facilitating discussion:                                    ____

Ease and familiarity with required material:                                         ____

Work was organized and complete:                                                       ____

Strived for excellence:                                                                               ____

Paid attention to detail:                                                                            ____

Work was accurate and thorough:                                                         ____

Solved problems using logic and sound judgment:                             ____

Treated other team members with respect:                                         ____

Developed cooperative relationships:                                                    ____

Was approachable:                                                                                    ____

Was accessible:                                                                                          ____

Fully committed to group’s objectives:                                                  ____

Inspired and motivated other group members:                                   ____

Willing to take responsibility:                                                                 ____

Expressed ideas clearly and effectively:                                                ____

Solicited group feedback:                                                                        ____

Invested in thoughtful feedback to group:                                          ____

Performed effectively and thoroughly within time limits:                ____

Coordinated tasks with group members:                                             ____

Kept other group members aware of schedules:                                ____

What did you learn from the experience?

What do you think went well?

What would you have done differently, given the opportunity?

Do you have any other comments about the overall EBP project (poster and presentation of findings)?

Using the course learning outcomes below, please address how you attained each outcome during your individual and group learning opportunities.
Remember to be specific and measurable. Answering with, “I felt that I…” without a concrete example of how you specifically attained this competency will not count. Feel free to use additional space by utilizing this Word document to expand.

Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply strategies to promote evidence-based practice, especially in areas of quality and safety.

Student Self-Evaluation:

  1. Analyze clinical decisions based on appraisal of the triad of evidence-based practice: evidence, patient preferences, and clinical expertise.

Student Self-Evaluation:

  1. Appraise the credibility of sources of information within peer-reviewed databased to address clinical question.

Student Self-Evaluation:

  1. Integrate evidence-based practice to support quality patient care.

Student Self-Evaluation:

  1. Organize the process of retrieval, appraisal, and synthesis of evidence to improve patient outcomes.

Student Self-Evaluation: