
Appendix F EBP Project Group Contract

Group Member Contact Information

(Who is in our group?)

Group Member’s Name

Primary E-mail Address



















Group Values

(What do we need to do to ensure our team’s success?)

Each Criterion Needs Explanation

What Each Team Member Agrees to Do

Declare Why This Is Important to Your Team (Required)

(HINT: “To get points” is not valid. Think carefully as to why each criterion is valuable to your team.)

Check in with each group member at least once weekly to review progress on the assignment.


Contribute ideas and feedback to the group throughout project completion.


Communicate with all group members as soon as a problem or issue arises.


Maintain respectful communications with all team members.


Complete assigned tasks by the deadlines.


Make sure to cite and reference all sources of information on poster.


Contribute to Synthesis of Literature Worksheet as we go. (Google Doc may be helpful for this.)


Make appointment with Project Mentor or instructor, as needed. (Likely 2-3x throughout project; and, again, prior to poster presentation)


Contribute to poster as we go. (Google Slides may be helpful for this!)



Project Management Specifics

(What needs to be undertaken to complete the EBP Project?)

(HINT: Look at each of your schedules carefully and make sure you are available to submit any assignment that you get signed up for!)

Group Member Name

Task to be Completed by This Team Member

Due Date for Completing the Task (if applicable)


Submitting Group Selection.



Submitting EBP Nursing Topic.



Make appointments with Cameron Nielson in library for literature search assistance, if needed. (Ongoing)



Submitting Group Contract.



Submitting PICO/Clinical Question.



Submitting initial Synthesis of Literature Worksheet.



Proofreading and editing the poster, as necessary. (Ongoing)



Submitting Poster Draft for peer review.



Proofing and editing the Final EBP Poster.



Checking to make sure every article used in answering clinical question is a primary peer-reviewed research article.



Checking APA formatting of poster (citations, references).



Proofing and editing final Synthesis of Literature Worksheet.



Making sure everyone meets their assigned deadlines for tasks.



Submitting Final EBP Poster.



Submitting Final Synthesis of Evidence.















Group Interaction Guidelines

(How can we anticipate and deal with group conflict when it arises?)

What Could Happen to Impede Our Teamwork?

What We Will Do if This Happens? (Add more as needed)

A member doesn’t provide project ideas or feedback to other team members.

(Keep these agreements in mind for the peer evaluations at end of semester. Did you document, date/time stamp documentation, discuss with instructor any issues?)




A member doesn’t complete his/her task at all.



A member completes his/her task, but turns it in after the agreed-upon due date.








Other notes, as needed: