Enteroendocrine System
Objective 10
Tabulate the hormones of the enteric nervous system: gastrin, cholecystokinin, secretin, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide, histamine, somatostatin, motilin. For each hormone, describe the structure that produces the hormone, the target organ, and the action of the hormone.
A table summarizing the hormones of the enteroendocrine system is reproduced above. Most of these have been mentioned already, as part of earlier objectives. This table is mostly a review and synthesis of hormones we’ve already discussed.
For each row of the table, know the name of the hormone, where it is made, its target organ (“acts on” column), and its action.
Media Attributions
- U18-062 Table of Enteroendocrine Hormones © Burr, Justin is licensed under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license