Lateral Medullary Syndrome (Wallenberg Syndrome)
Brooke Hildt and Jim Hutchins
1/5 strokes in posterior circulation
lateral medullary syndrome is the most common of the posterior circulation strokes
Structures affected
- inferior cerebellar peduncle
- dorsolateral medulla
- descending spinal tract
- nucleus of the V nerve
- vagus nerve and nucleus
- glossopharyngeal nerve and nucleus
- descending sympathetic fibers
Signs and Symptoms
- vestibulocerebellar symptoms
- ipsilateral hemiataxia
- vertigo
- falling toward side of lesion
- multidirectional nystagmus (inferior cerebellar peduncle and vestibular nucleus)
- autonomics
- ipsilateral Horner syndrome
- hiccups
- sensory
- loss of p&t over ipsilateral face & contralateral body
- bulbar
- hoarseness
- dysphonia
- dysphagia
- dysarthria
- decreased gag reflex (nucleus ambiguus)