
Sturge-Weber Syndrome

Kobe Christensen



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Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS) is a neurocutaneous disorder caused by a mutation of the GNAQ gene located on the long arm of chromosome 9. In SWS angiomas of the leptomeninges, trigeminal nerve, and skin of the face are seen. SWS presents with seizures that generally begin as focal seizures and often progress to generalized seizures. The hallmark of SWS is a unilateral vascular lesion called the Port-Wine stain.


Port wine stains of an 8-year-old female with Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Babaji P, Bansal A, Choudhury GK, Nayak R, Kodangala Prabhakar A, Suratkal N, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Figure 3.1 showing an 8 year old female with Sturge-Weber Syndrome with characteristic Port-Wine stain.

Signs & Symptoms

Sturge-Weber Syndrome is characterized by refractory epilepsy, neurological deficits, and physical signs of angioma.


The majority of SWS patients will experience seizures within the first year of life. These seizures are described as infantile spasms and are similar to those described in children with West Syndrome. Seizures that are initially focal in nature tend to progress to generalized seizures of different types. Seizures in SWS can present as atonic, tonic, and myoclonic seizures with the incidence of absence seizures being less frequent.

EEG in Sturge-Weber Syndrome generally shows asymmetry of the hemispheres with there being an increased frequency of epileptiform activity on the ipsilateral side to the Port-Wine stain. This epileptiform typically presents as focal spike and wave discharges that can evolve to rhythmic generalized spike and wave.

Neurological Deficit

The extent of neurological deficit associated with SWS can greatly vary from patient to patient. Some patients with SWS show mild behavioral problems, while others have severe cognitive impairment. It is believed that there is a link between seizure frequency and cognitive impairment, however this has yet to be confirmed.

Another determining factor in the degree of neurological deficit is tied to the extent of brain malformation. In 85% of SWS cases, the leptomeningeal angiomas are unilateral and tend to have less severe clinical symptoms in comparison to leptomeningeal angiomas that are seen bilaterally.

Physical Signs

The hallmark of SWS is the Port-Wine stain, but patients with SWS can have several other telling clinical symptoms. Many ocular related conditions are associated with SWS including glaucoma, hemianopsia, and total vision loss. Other signs of SWS can be the development of hemiparesis ipsilateral to the Port-Wine stain, migraines, and weakness.

Treatment & Prognosis

Outcomes for SWS vary based on type of SWS, progression of bilateral leptomeningeal angiomas, severity of seizures etc. It is common for patients to continue to have refractory seizures after AED treatment and subsequent furtherment of cognitive impairment.

Medications used to treat focal seizures are the mainline treatments for epilepsy in SWS. The most common medications used are oxcarbazepine in addition to levetiracetam. Surgery is an option for patients with SWS depending on severity of seizures, location in relation to the leptomeningeal angioma, and location of seizure onset.

Key Takeaways

  • Sturge-Weber Syndrome is a neurocutaneous disorder associated with the Port-Wine stain.
  • Infantile spasms are common in SWS. Tuberous sclerosis caused by SWS can be the main cause for West Syndrome.
  • Ocular related conditions like glaucoma and hemianopsia are related to SWS and are typically seen in the ipsilateral eye to the Port-Wine stain.



Advanced Neuroscience Copyright © by Jim Hutchins; Kobe Christensen; and Cody Zundel. All Rights Reserved.